Organizational Assessment
Organizational Assessments are powerful tools for identifying an organization’s strengths and areas in need of improvement. They are the critical starting point for initiating any type of organizational change. Objective and systematic, an AHRS Organizational Assessment will provide you with a snapshot of your company's health. Analysis focuses on the capacity within specific sectors of your organization and guides the development of tactics to support the achievement of organizational objectives.
Organizational assessment can be focused broadly on the entire organization, departmentally, or on specific sectors, including:
Board of Directors
Administration and Faculty
Educational and Artistic Programming
Marketing & Communications
The process starts with research into the company itself – a review of
processes, operating systems, current strategies, and workplace culture. It provides a diagnosis of your organization’s health in terms of mission, leadership and direction. The analysis can be used as a baseline study to improve the effectiveness of the organization in the short term, or as a springboard for strategic planning.
Organizational Assessment with AHRS can help you objectively :
Understand where your organization currently stands
Identify whether or not you have the right people in the right roles
Provide board and staff members with the tools to achieve goals
Track the progress toward your goals
With over 25 years of first-hand experience in the nonprofit sector, AHRS has a familiarity with the industry strategy rooted in practical experience. That experience can help your organization dive deeper into planning and achieve optimal results. Contact me today and tell me how I can help you achieve your goals.